Saturday, November 1, 2008

All for this one Moment - Meet your Dream icon

Do you think that you have it in you to be the next big entrepreneur of India ?

Do you dare to dream big like those legends once did ?
If you have started your journey of entrepreneurship & have started working on your dreams, then now you have a chance to meet your dream icon live and in person on CNBC-TV18.
Lufthansa & CNBC-TV18 now gives you a chance to share your story with them about your business idea, how you started your business journey, what have you achieved till now, what do you plan to achieve in future etc. This anchor of the programme will be none other than Shereen Bhan, Executive Editor of CNBC-TV18. So if you think that you have that fire in the belly & you have it in you make it big then share your vision by November 10,2008. You can register here

1 comment:

mycysphere said...

You can also see the video (condensed) version of the same on this link
